Posts: 17

Many escort ladies say in their ads, "No Rush", "Unrushed", or "Never Rush".


This is a strange way to put it.  Because everything else they say in a positive way.  But this is a negative.  Which makes it hard to understand exactly what they mean. 


Restaurants and other businesses never say that they provide an unrushed service for you.  They normally rush, or at least they try to seem like they are rushing for you.


No rush might mean that the lady will take so much time greeting you, talking with you, teasing you, and undressing for you, that you won't have much time to do much with her.   She won't rush, but then you will have to rush.  Because your time will be finished with her.


That's how some guys might understand it.  The lady will waste your time, and you won't get to do much with her.  And I don't understand why ladies would advertise something like this.  It's a negative, rather than a postive from a guy's point of view.


But I suppose, there is another way to understand it.  No rush might mean that you can take your time with the lady and last for a long time with her, once you start doing her.  In this case, the lady will rush to make herself and you ready for her.  And then you can take your time and last for a long time with her.  She won't rush you to finish quiclkly with her. 


And this second way of understanding it sounds pretty good for a guy.  This is something guys would go for, if that's what the lady means in her ad.


I used to know a guy who could last with a lady for a good hour or more, once he started doing her.  Because he would bang the lady until he would come close to orgasm, then he would stop, stay inside her, and play around with her tits for a while.   His orgasmic feeling would recede.  And then he would bang her some more.  He would take tit-breaks with the lady, while staying insider her.  And that's how he could last indefinitely with her.


Ordinary ladies wouldn't normally let a guy do them like that.  They will rush the guy and make him finish quickly.  But an escort lady is working with you, and this is something she can do for you.  


This guy was finding escrot ladies who would let him last with them for a long time like that.  But it was a hit and a miss kind of thing for him.  Some ladies would let him take his tit-breaks with them and last for a long time with them.  But other ladies wouldn't let him stop and wait during his penetrate. And he couldn't last with them, just like with ordinary ladies.


The problem with this "No Rush" advertising is that it has a double meaning.  It either means that the lady will waste your time, or she will let you last for a long time with her.


So, the guy might think it's the second meaning and go for the lady.  But once he gets the lady, then she can turn it around and waste his time by doing everything very slowly.  And nobody can accuse her of false advertising.   Because no rush can mean either one or the other.


To avoid such a misunderstanding, the lady should say  "You can take your time and last for a long time.  I won't rush you."


Such an offer would be very attractive for guys.  Because on average guys last a lot less time than the time they ideally want to last.  In one survey, guys said that they idealy want to last 25 minutes during their intercourse.  But in reality it's often 5-7 minutes. 




So, there is a big unsatisfied need for guys to last longer during their intercourse.  And any escort lady who specializes in helping guys last longer with her can probably charge premium prices.  A lot of guys want this.  And any lady who offers it will be very popular indeed.  

The way i understand, ''no rush'' means that escorts wouldn't rush you to finish off as fast as possible but to give you all the time you pay for. I think it should go without saying, since it is what the client pays for. If some random escort rushes me out of her place i will never see her again and do everything to make other punters aware of her lacklustre services.


The way i understand, ''no rush'' means that escorts wouldn't rush you to finish off as fast as possible but to give you all the time you pay for. I think it should go without saying, since it is what the client pays for. If some random escort rushes me out of her place i will never see her again and do everything to make other punters aware of her lacklustre services.

In my experience, the way some escort ladies hurry you up is by making you cum quickly.  They don’t let you do it slowly or stop and wait to avoid cumming too soon.   And sure enough, you don’t last long.  


You cum, and you are done, as far as the lady is concerned.  You can take your time to leave.  But you aren’t going to get any more pleasure with the lady.


You still get your time with the lady.  But you don’t get much work out of her.   And it’s a disappointing experience for a guy.  Because your pleasure with the lady lasts much less time than you want and expect.

That's why some of them put ''multiple shots available" or something similar to that. I mean if you're in condition to reach orgasm a few times in an hour, why would escorts refuse a second round or third if possible, when you've paid them to provide that. 

Also for one shot guys, i think it is completely ok to stop escorts and take a pause when things go too fast, they should oblige your requests and make you happy as long as you paid them. 


That's why some of them put ''multiple shots available" or something similar to that. I mean if you're in condition to reach orgasm a few times in an hour, why would escorts refuse a second round or third if possible, when you've paid them to provide that. 

Also for one shot guys, i think it is completely ok to stop escorts and take a pause when things go too fast, they should oblige your requests and make you happy as long as you paid them. 

I’m somewhat familiar with how escort ladies do it in Thailand.  And there you normally have to pay the lady more, if you want to have another shot with her.  It’s something ladies explicitly advertise, and you normally get 30-60 minutes more with the lady, if you choose the 2 shots option.  Although some ladies let you have 2 shots in one hour for a smaller extra fee.

I think it might be the same with Canadian ladies.  They won’t do it for free.  You’ll have to pay more. And this kind of thing might break your budget for the lady.

When you do it slowly or you stop and wait once in a while to last for a long time with the lady, then you aren’t working the lady more.  You are just talking your time with her.  So, you shouldn’t have to pay more.   And the lady shouldn’t rush you to make you cum quickly.  

That’s what ‘No Rush’ should mean from a guy’s point of view.  But a lady might understand it in a different way.  Which might lead to a disagreement between the guy and the lady. 

Agree to that. Advertising that multiple shots will cost more is completely fair. Not advertising and then demanding extra in the middle of the meet is a scam. If client paid someone for an hour, from my point of view, he can do whatever he wants within the hour, he can talk with her, or fuck the hell out of her as long as he's within the bounds of acceptable conduct. 


Agree to that. Advertising that multiple shots will cost more is completely fair. Not advertising and then demanding extra in the middle of the meet is a scam. If client paid someone for an hour, from my point of view, he can do whatever he wants within the hour, he can talk with her, or fuck the hell out of her as long as he's within the bounds of acceptable conduct. 

I found from my experience that my first encounter with a lady is always a little bit unpredictable.  Sometimes I get more and better than I assume and expect.  And sometimes it's worse and less.  


You need to be willing to waste some money and some time to find someone you click with and enjoy.  


I would rather say you need to be ready to waste money, or be at peace with the thought that someone will rip you off. But as some would say, no pain no gain. It's inevitable on a quest for the perfect one...


Agree to that. Advertising that multiple shots will cost more is completely fair. Not advertising and then demanding extra in the middle of the meet is a scam. If client paid someone for an hour, from my point of view, he can do whatever he wants within the hour, he can talk with her, or fuck the hell out of her as long as he's within the bounds of acceptable conduct. 

I found from my experience that my first encounter with a lady is always a little bit unpredictable.  Sometimes I get more and better than I assume and expect.  And sometimes it's worse and less.  


You need to be willing to waste some money and some time to find someone you click with and enjoy.  


Indeed. And what the majority of other guys find attractive and sexy doesn't mean it will affect you the same way. Expecting too much often ends up in disappointment.

'No rush' is a kind of word construction that escorts use with the purpose to entice as many guys as possible to book them. In reality it usually turns out to be the other way around. 

'No rush' is a red flag for me. What does it mean, that rush services become an ordinary now and no rush becomes an extra feature? What's next? No rush will be charged as an extra? Bullshit.


'No rush' is a red flag for me. What does it mean, that rush services become an ordinary now and no rush becomes an extra feature? What's next? No rush will be charged as an extra? Bullshit.


I actually like it when escort ladies say that you don’t need to rush with them.   Because I often feel rushed with the lady, even when she isn’t rushing me.


I feel rushed because the lady is doing me a favour, and I’m the one asking for it.  I’m afraid she might end it for me right there and then, if I take a little too long.


I normally want my sexual pleasure to last for a good half hour or more.  And I do make it last this long with masturbation.  I don’t feel rushed.  So, I stop and wait when I come close to orgasm, then I do it some more.


But when I’m with a lady, then I’m afraid that she might end it right there and then, if I stop and wait with her.   I’m afraid she’ll take it away from me.  And that’s why I don’t stop and don’t last long with her.


So, when the lady says ‘no rush’ to me, then at least I can try making it last for a long time, the way I do with masturbation.  And if the lady says something about it, then I can remind her of her no rush promise.

So what's your experience with 'no rush' escorts? Do they act as promised? 


So what's your experience with 'no rush' escorts? Do they act as promised? 

I'm afraid I haven't been with enough escort ladies to say something general about them.  I can only say something about the few ladies I've been with.


I like asian ladies.  And some of those I've been with did indeed let me last for a long time with them.  Some of them even let me have two shots with them.  


But I don't know if this says something about asian ladies in general.  Perhaps asian culture discourages conflict and disagreement.  And that's why an asian lady is less likely to end it right there and then, when you stop and wait inside her to last longer with her.


I've been with european ladies who wouldn't let me stop and wait.  But this might have been a misunderstanding.  Because the lady asked me what was wrong, why did I stop? I didn't want to talk about it in the middle of it, so I just resumed banging her and didn't last long with her.


This no rush promise gives you an opportunity to talk about it with the lady before you do anything.  If you explain to her how you want to bang her to last for a long time with her, and she agrees to let you do her this way, then you won't have any misunderstanding with her, the way I had with my lady.  And if she doesn't agree, after you explain it to her, then you know that you need to look for another lady.  



I agree, Asian escorts are way more obliging and accommodating than other. I've seen many so far and always felt incredible. 



It's just an advertising trick to attract more clients.

Exactly, almost every escort uses it in description, but why the hell am i getting shitty rush services by 50% of them? 

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